The Songs We Will Sing.

#35 Love is all Around. Wet, Wet, Wet, 1994.

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It rained all last night and the night before and the night before that too. And the days haven’t been so flash either; no sun, lots of showers and drizzle. This morning I woke up and it was wet, wet, wet, which made me think of the 1994 song by Wet, Wet, Wet Love is all Around. This cover version found its fame as the soundtrack to the 1994 film Four Weddings and a Funeral and quickly became an international hit. Of course, for we oldies, we remember the original 1967 version by The Troggs, but let’s not be picky.

Image: The Troggs Soundcloud.
If you are not familiar with The Troggs, they have some good songs. You can check them out on You Tube.

I remember in 1994 the young folks thinking what a great song this was and feeling quite miffed when we told them it was an oldie. But this is a really interesting thing about life, it does not matter how old the story is, to a new audience; it is new! The Troggs original lyrics were apparently inspired by viewing a Salvation Army band on television singing a song titled, “Love That’s All Around”.

The Troggs – Love Is All Around – YouTube

Getting back to our big wet. The East Coast of Australia has had heavy rains and flooding almost all year thus far. As of April 2022, 23 persons have lost their lives this year in floods and that number has had at least one more added just this last week. Thousands upon thousands have lost their homes and / or possessions. While we are having more rain than we know what to do with, folks in other places are suffering drought and extreme heat. Even in our own state, as of April 1st 2022, we still had over 60% of the land area in Queensland declared drought areas.

Australia is a country of extremes, we are a pretty resilient lot and we come to the aid of those in need but this flooding has pushed us into an unprecedented crisis of homelessness. There is a lot to be concerned about and many folks have difficult circumstances and burdens to carry but Love is still all around us and it will be ever so. Sometimes though, we have to learn to look in the right places to find it.

wet wet wet – Love Is All Around lyrics – YouTube


I love the poem Desiderata by Max Ehrmann. Amongst the advice he gives is: Neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, It is as perennial as the grass, Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortuneWith all its sham drudgery and broken dreams, It is still a beautiful world. And so it is! Love is indeed all around!


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